Thursday, November 1, 2012

I am super happy!

Hello everyone! I am happy to say I am over my cold and feeling mmuuchhh better!!! But also I recently saved enough to get an iPod touch and got it in the mail yesterday!!!!!! I love it!!! So I may have to neglect my blog a bit while I play with my new toy ;) do y'all have any app suggestions? Also I am going to be having another fashion week this winter and need some sponsors! Any jewelry or winter clothing will work! So tell me if you are interested!!!!!      

3 note(s):

  1. art studio is a cool app for drawing if you want :) its what I use.

  2. Instagram is my favorite app ever! If any of your friends have it, it is even more fun. You can take pictures and edit and then post them and see what your friends post. :)

  3. Congrats on the iPod touch!!! I'm getting one soon, too. :D

    I don't have any suggestions for apps, but I recently found out how to bookmark sites so they appear as apps on the home page. You just go to any site and and click the box with a arrow coming out of it on the bottom, then click Add to Home Screen. Ta-da! You can easily go to a site without typing anything. :D

    <3 Elizabeth


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