Monday, March 25, 2013

Galaxy Nails Tutorial (to get ready for the new Doctor Who episodes!)

I am super excited about the new Doctor Who episode coming out this weekend so I have my nails ready and thought I would share my tutorial! 

The polishes I used were Pure Ice : SCANDAL *a very dark purple* and FRENCH KISS *a dark royal blue*//Art Deco : black // L.A. Colors : gold sparkles 

What I did was took scandal and covered almost all my nail. Then took French Kiss and the black and put a few dots here and there. Then for the messy part! Smudge the polishes togeather so you get these parts of blue and purple and black. After this dries add gold sparkles for the starts. You can always use something else but gold sparkles looked really nice on these.

If I were better at nail polish I would have added a TARDIS but I did not tackle that this time ;) 

Tell me if you try this! Also please leave suggestions!!

In Christ,
Emma Margaret

8 note(s):

  1. how is clara? is she good? I don't like her yet, I'm still Pond Attatched

    1. I don't know! I can't wait for the new episodes! She seems to be growing on me just a little but I really miss the ponds :(

    2. So do I. I watched both episodes, and I like her but..... PONDS :'( Here is the link to Bells of Saint John, jic

      when you get to the video hit play. A new tab will open, just exit it. Then hit play again. enjoy :D

    3. I watched it with putlocker on Saturday night but thanks anyway! I liked her better in this epi than any of the other ones actually, but I can't wait for tomorrows epi!

  2. You and your doctor who phoebea! It's so you!!!

  3. I don't think I'll ever get over the Ponds. :(


    I found both the christmas special and that episode on a cool sight. I do like Clara but she was cuter as Oswin I thought. SPOILER when she comes back as a modern girl I like her more END SPOILER. Have you seen Bells yet? :-O WIFI IS EVIL. and the new companion is good but she isn't a pond and that is all I'm saying. It feels weird to have no Ponds. Like your missing a character. Like the Doctor should turn around and see Amy. or Rory. Or Both. I miss them :'(


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