Sunday, June 8, 2014


So I am about to do the Fashion Week and I would like to have as many followers as I can so that my sponsors can get more views.... But everyone wants followers right? So what I need is for y'all to send me a guest post, I will post it, and y'all have to make a post on your blog telling people you guest posted on my blog and that they should check it out! Get it? Anyway! It will also be a lot of fun! So here are the rules! 

You HAVE to post on your blog that you posted on my blog! 

No Cussing 

No Contreversial Topics 

No Being Mean/Rude 

And I do have the authority to not post your artical if I think it is inappropriate. 

So send me your guest posts to 

I can't wait to read them!!! 

Emma Margaret 

2 note(s):

Are you going to comment!!!??? It looks like you are! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE comments BUT you have to keep them clean or I will not publish them :( So go ahead! Comment away!