Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Good By CHRISTmas! You will be missed!

Christmas is over! Can y'all believe it!? Well for Christmas I got a...

Flower Hair Clip from It is REALLY pretty!

A robot necklace from

A coke bottle top necklace from another etsy shop but not sure which one =P

Type writer "E" earrings (that are SO SO SO cute!!) from


Adventures in Oddesy! (the green ring conspiracy <3 and something like hero's from the Bible storeys or something like that)

Lamp Lighter Theatre The Robbers Cave (I LLLOOOVVVEEE the lamp lighter theatre!!!)

And probably more I can't remember =P But in my stocking I got Skittles and Gummie Life Savores =)

I love CHRISTmas!

Now some family is here and we are having Shrimp and Grits for supper *BIG GRINS* Can't wait!!!!

Have you ever thought what next Christmas will be like? 3 Christmases ago I sure did not... Care to here the story?

Last year my Dad was working and hurt his knee. He had to stay home alot and have 2 surgery's. And we home school so when Daddy is home it gives us the thought "No more school!" So it was hard to do school while he was home. Then a little while later me and my big sis Grace were out shopping with my Grandmother having a wonderful time. Grace went to take the buggy from Hobby Lobby back while me and Gram were walking into a store. Then it happened. I was walking a little ahead of Gram and she fell. I turned back and and probably yelled Gram then asked if she was okay. She said she was then a big drop of blood fell from her face. I ran for Grace. I can't remember exactly what I said but one day when Grace was blogging on this I realized how quickly I got to the point =).

By the 30 seconds we had been gone there was already a small crowd formed around her (note my sister and I are both prone to fainting). I don't think they noticed us much but I asked if she was okay and someone asked if I knew her and was able to say I was her Granddaughter. After a while someone called the Ambulance, Police, and the fire fighters! Thankfully after talking we decided to take her to the hospital. My sister Grace who just had her permit was able to drive through the back rodes of town while following the police. Grace called a good friend who was in town earlier and she came when we got to the hospital. A sad part was that Gram could not look at us or we might faint. I know we're wimps.

After our friend and Mama and sister and Grandfather came our friend took us to supper while Mama stayed with Gram. When we got back we found out that Gram had broken her neck and nose! (the people who formed a crowd around her all just agreed that she would need stitches!)

Any way they moved into our house with us because our Grandfather was not able to take care of her. So while she was at the hospital the preachers wife came over and helped us get the house ready.

Then later on she cought pneumonia and had to go into the hospital though Christmas. Any way she got out after staying in the hospital about 17 days and all was well again (or about).

So the year before I was not thinking we would be visiting my Grandmother in the hospital on Christmas. Okay I hope I have not made you fall asleep with my long story. As you know I do not usually do such long post. But a long story deserves a long post! Hope y'all enjoyed y'alls Christmas! I sure have mine! (better than last Christmas!)

~Emma <3

2 note(s):

  1. Oh what a fun CHRISTmas!
    I love Odyssey and I've listened to The Green Ring Conspiracy... It is SOOOOO good!!! Also, I have The Robbers Cave and it is really good too! Interesting story about last Christmas.... Nothing like that has ever happened to me!

    Merry Christmas again!!

  2. Last yeat was CRAZY!!! Merry Christmas again to you too!


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