Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Fashion Week! Tuesday {casual day} and pin review from Bohemian Apothercarium!

Today I wore a very casual but cute outfit! I am wearing

Danskin Now Shorts (Wal Mart)

Blessed Girl T Shirt (Wal Mart)


I wore my hair in my favorite messy bun and simple make up!

My awesome sponsors today are Josh and Beverly from Bohemian Apothecarium  ! They sponsored me with 2 amazing pins!

*NOTE* They no longer sell these pins because of copy right issues but they still have tons of adorable pins to choose from!

A Doctor Who quote pin

and a Captain America shield pin! 

(the I "heart heart" the Doctor pin is just an extra I added from a friend!)

These pins are awesome! They are super cute and durable! Also I have found that unlike some pins I have had before these don't fall off easily from my purse! 
Pins are in now with hipsters and I love the look they give my purse! 
(My purse is from Target!)

They also have TONS of different designs you can choose from! So if you are nerdy, like art, vegan, witty, or whatever! You can find a pin that will fit you!!!

Comment about what pin you would want and be sure to check out Josh and Beverly's shop! 

Have a fantastic day!!!

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