Tuesday, December 4, 2012

22 Days (of fun!) until Christmas!: It's the Most Wonderful Time Of the Year!

Hello Everyone! How do you like the design? I personly love it ;)!!! Okay first! Quick announcement! First everything in my shop is $1! I need to go ahead and sale out before Christmas, so please order! ;) Also if you enter the giveaway below you will get extra entries to my big giveaway this Christmas! Okay now onto the fun!

Is it just me or do y'all LOVE Christmas music?!?!

In my opinion Christmas music is awesome! I mean really is there anything better than being in a sweater, drinking hot coacoa, decorating the tree with family? No! lol

One tradition here is that every year just the five of us (Mama Daddy Grace Beth and Me) have a Christmas party! We drink sparkling grape juice, eat party food, play games, and sometimes watch a movie!

What is some of y'all's most favorite things about Christmas?

5 note(s):

  1. What's the giveaway? It says in the beginning that there was a giveaway??


  2. The currant giveaway is here http://emmaspic.blogspot.com/2012/11/giveaway-and-announcement.html
    and if you enter it you will get extra entries when I have my big Christmas giveaway soon!

  3. Oh yeah, I love Christmas and Christmas music!!

    I love hot chocolate, and i'm so in love with Christmas lights. Lights everywhere are just so magical to me...

  4. Hello! I just found your blog! I love the design. :) I too love Christmas songs, right now my favorite is If everyone believed by Michael Phelps. Merry Christmas!

    P.S. New follower! ;)

    1. I will have to go check out that song! Thanks for the follow!!!


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