Saturday, December 1, 2012

25 Days (of Fun) Till Christmas :Christmas Nails!

I want to start a 25 days (of fun) till Christmas! I LOVE Christmas, so I thought this would help me build my writing skills and we will have a LOT of fun ;) So my first day is Christmas nails!

I have found some REALLY cute Christmas nails on Pinterest! So this will probably be one of many posts about nails!

They looks SUPER easy and SUPER cute! I really want to try them soon!! When I do I will try to put up a picture :)

I like these too! 

So hopefully I will make my own soon! *these are from pinterest*

Are you going to do something special on your nails for Christmas?

5 note(s):

  1. Ahh those are so cute!
    How was your concert, darling? I am [so] healous.;) Tell me alllll about it! I hope it was fun.

  2. These look awesome. I love the last one. Navy blue=awesomeness. :)

  3. I've been following cutepolish on youtube since she started, and she came up with the santa hat nails. :D Haven't tried them yet, but you reminded me. SO going to do them! Here's the link to her tutorial:

    Hope you're having a wonderful holiday season so far! :)


  4. I have trouble polishing my nails. I hate it when they start to peel *Frown*

    Are you excited about Christmas? I am!! December is going to be so amazing (Hobbit, Les Mis, Doctor Who... WOW)

    God Bless

    1. YES! Most about just the wonderful Christmas feeling!, presents!, Doctor Who!!!!!, and I really want to see the Hobbit!!!!



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