Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Well today we are doing ALOT of cleaning =( Which is not my favorite thing to do.
But I am excited about Thanksgiving =D

I love Thanksgiving and might as well put some things I am thankful for

1.My Family

2. That God sent his son to die on the cross to save us from our sin

3. A free Country

4. Adventures in Odyssey

5. Books


7. Thanksgiving =D

8. The Bible

9. That we are cleaning because we have been blessed with this stuff

10. Clothes

These are just a few of the many things we should be thankful for.

I have just joined my friends earring making business and I made a blog to sell things on for it. It is

If you want you can go check it out =D

By the way do y'all have any ideas of what I can blog about, or fun things I can do on my blog?
Please comment if you do!!!

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